Review: Where Dreams Begin by Lisa Kleypas

Genre: Historical Romance
Original Release Date: February 1, 2000

Updated Audiobook Edition: April 19, 2022

Rating: 4 out of 5.


Zachary Bronson has built an empire of wealth and power. Now, he is seeking a wife to help secure his position in the ton… as well as warm his bed in private. But not just any woman will do for one of London’s most notorious rakes. When he meets Lady Holly Taylor, he surrenders to the temptation to take her in his arms and kiss her. Yet, he’s pleasantly surprised to discover her fierce passions match his own.

Lady Holly Taylor is destined to spend her life playing by society’s rules, even when they go against her bolder instincts. But Zachary’s kiss arouses her, and though his shocking offer doesn’t include marriage, she is compelled to risk everything for the most forbidden passion.


Audiobook Review
Overall 4 stars
Performance 5 stars
Story 3 stars

Overall, I really enjoyed Where Dreams Begin. Rosalyn Landor is such a gifted narrator. She brings so much emotion and passion to the story. The dead spouse trope is always a tricky one for me, and Holly’s behavior for the majority of the novel is the reason why. I didn’t enjoy all of the comparisons she made between Zachary and George. I understand that she loved George deeply and that she wanted to be loyal to his memory, but at a certain point it became too much (especially with Zachary being so head over heels in love with her). I did appreciate her groveling though and that once she was decided, she left no doubt about her wishes and feelings.

I have mixed feelings about Zachary. I love a self made hero and he was so sweet and tender to his mother, sister, and Rose. His playful teasing banter with Holly was a lot of fun and I’m just such a fan of those ooey gooey on the inside heroes. He’s definitely a ruthless businessman, but I admired his strength and fortitude to achieve his goals and go after what he wanted. Now for the not so great – I understand that he was caught off guard by his true affection for Holly and believed there to be no possibility of a future between them, but I personally don’t want my romance heroes being with any other women after meeting the heroine. I didn’t need the reminder that he repeatedly sought an outlet for release and for all his manly urges and appetites. Note: This isn’t detailed in the novel, and actually is only a few sentences, but it leaves no question about how he was spending his nights. He stops after a sexual relationship starts with heroine and does go all in after everything is on the table, which redeemed him in my eyes, but I know his earlier decisions will be a deal breaker for some.

The ending of the novel was a bit too drawn out and I feel it could have been left out entirely. I didn’t need any more angst or drama for this couple and felt that this “test” of their love was unnecessary.

CW: death of spouse (past), illness, near death experience, classism, fighting/boxing, MMC has sex with OW (brothel/prostitutes) after meeting the FMC and after he realizes that he has feelings for her

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